All proposals put forward at this years AGM were approved.
There is still a vacancy for a General Secretary, so please let a member of the committee know if this is a post you could fill.
- Welcome.
- Approval of the minutes of the AGM dated 24th February 2016.
- Matters arising from AGM 2016.
- To receive Treasurers Report and Accounts for the Financial Year ending 31st December 2016.
- To receive reports from committee members – these have been posted on the club website and will not be read during the meeting.
- For the Election of Officers, Office Holders and Post Holders to the Committee as well as election of Auditors. All existing office/post holders except for the changes below are willing to continue in their roles
Nominations proposed by the committee are:
Auditors – Colin Henderson & Ken Littlejohns
Chairman – Paul Sandford
Membership Secretary – Jo Breeds
Treasurer – Caroline Wegg
Womens Secretary – Felicity Edwards and Julie Bullock (joint position)
Youth Development – Theo Androuliakos
7. Proposed rule changes
Rule 4a officers
Add a junior secretary & change the youth development and community relations officer to Youth development.
Office Holders:
Membership Secretary, Men’s Secretary, Women’s Secretary, Road Running Secretary, Cross Country Secretary, Masters Secretary, Minutes Secretary, Junior Secretary, Youth Development & Coaching Coordinator. The above mentioned 14 Officers, have voting rights on the committee.
Rule 5a – introduce an age limit for senior members rather than a pension age.
Rule 5a. The annual subscription to the Club shall be agreed at the A.G.M and advised with the Annual Membership Renewal Notice. The sum will be for the use of all Club Facilities including coaching, equipment and the use of Down Grange Track and Floodlighting or any venue arranged/approved by the committee. Members who do not live in the local area and therefore do not use any of the facilities provided by the Club, along with second claim members and members, who are 60 years or over , shall pay a reduced Annual Subscription set by the club committee and approved at the AGM. This Fee will also include those who Coach on behalf of the Club, hold a UKA Coaching License and also Licensed Officials who wish to compete for the Club. The Fee for Road Running Members who do not use the Track will be at least £10.00 less than the Annual Senior 1st Claim Subscription. Eligibility disputes over the reduced membership to be resolved by the Club’s General Committee.
Membership fees for the junior age groups to be at least £10.00 less than the Senior Rate.
Juniors are those aged under 20 from 1st Jan in the year of birth date and they become Senior after 1st Jan the following year.
8. Membership fee changes
No change other than to pass on the £1 increase in EA registration
9. To elect Vice President(s)
None nominated
10. Life member presentations to Jo Breeds, Allan Cheers, Stuart O’Loughnane and Tracy Cornell.
11. Update on Facilities
12. Any Other Business.