
BMHAC is an amateur sports club; we depend on volunteers to function including officers, other post holders, coaches, officials and numerous other helpers.

Examples of the latter include people helping officials at events and helping with refreshments.

The more volunteers we have, the less time will be needed from each person!

See also the Committee page under ‘About’ where there is a list of office and post holders.


The new Clubhouse will help us to be more sociable during training and competitions. A nice hot drink would be very welcome for parents during training, especially in winter!

We need a refreshments coordinator to take on part of the job that Jo Breeds has done so well. Jo is now focusing on the Club’s social events programme.

We also need volunteers to give whatever time they have to make drinks and take the money. Having a rota would be great to lessen the load on busy people. We also need help with refreshments at home track matches. Again it could be on a regular or an occasional basis.

So, if you’re interested, let us know …including how often you would be able to help. See the link at the end of the page.

Social events

We have awards events for junior and senior athletes and will be holding more social events when the Clubhouse is open. Jo, our Social Events Coordinator is always happy to have more help, especially given that we want to expand our social events programme.


Coaching – Interested in starting to coach?

BMHAC has many hard-working, unpaid athletics coaches who have earned accreditation from our sports governing body – England Athletics. See the England Athletics (https://www.englandathletics.org/coaches-and-officials/coaching-journey/) to find out what is involved in becoming a coach or contact the Coaching Co-ordinator at coaching@bmhac.co.uk for more information.


Given our wide-ranging sport, we need a wide range of officials to make competitions run smoothly and fairly. An extra pair of hands is always welcome but we need more trained officials too.

Field Officials

Measure and monitor performance in the jumps and throws events. Examples include holding a tape, retrieving implements, replacing jump bars, calling up athletes and completing score cards. Field officials work in teams and there is always friendly support and advice available.

Track Officials

These are divided into two categories:

  • Track judges who count laps, record finishing positions, judge relay handovers amongst other similar activities
  • Timekeepers do what it says, even when our photo finish equipment is in use…as a back up.

Off track events

Cross country and road running events need marshals, time keepers and position recorders. Currently, BMHAC only organises an annual Hampshire Cross Country League match (at Popham Airfield) and lower key Junior Cross Country League rounds at Down Grange.

There is also the nationally renowned Hampshire Hoppit trail marathon/half marathon organised by BMHAC’s Tim Fowler and his team each summer. Helpers in most of the above categories always welcome!

For more information, go to: https://www.englandathletics.org/coaches-and-officials/

Training courses are available for anyone who wants to go beyond casual help.

Want to help?

Anyone wishing to find out more should contact Club Secretary, Ann Henderson at: clubsecretary@bmhac.co.uk. Annie will make sure you’re linked up with the right people.